Total Control

Manage your tanks anytime,

from anywhere.

Discover More
Know what's going on inside your tanks, even when you aren't there.

Connect to what you already have

BREWSENSE was designed to tie into most existing Cellar tank panels, allowing you to keep the valves, sensors, and plumbing you have already own. Your existing panel just needs to have access to WiFi, a BREWSENSE hub,  mobile device, and a little help from your electrician.  In some cases, the system can be installed by the brewer.

Being able to use existing equipment allows breweries to keep integration and operation costs down.

Control up to:



Per BREWhub

The BREWhub lives in your cellar control panel. Depending on the panel you can connect up to 30 tanks per BREWhub.

Protect your craft with alerts

You brew with precision. Don’t let one failed sensor, controller, valve or process miscue cause batches to go to waste. BREWSENSE keeps an eye on your system for you.  With our mobile app you can control and monitor every fermenter, brite tank from anywhere. BREWalerts you know right away whats going on.

Real-Time control and analytics

The BREWSENSE app provides graphs and analytical data showing temperature, specific gravity(requires added equipment), and other data at a glance when you need it.

By utilizing data stored in the BREWSENSE cloud, brewers can analyze trends in their brewing operation and adjust their equipment or process.


1-5 Tanks

$ 10.99

Per Tank
  • 24/7 Monitoring & Alerts
  • Remote Temperature Control Via App
  • BREWhub Purchased Separately
Sign Up Now

6-15 Tanks

$ 8.65

Per Tank
  • 24/7 Monitoring & Alerts
  • Remote Temperature Control Via App
  • BREWhub Purchased Separately
Sign Up Now

16-30 TanksBREWhub Included

$ 6.49

Per Tank
  • 24/7 Monitoring & Alerts
  • Remote Temperature Control Via App
  • BREWhub Included
Sign Up Now

Are there more plans?

Send us a message and inquire about a custom plan.

Plan Discounts

Pay for your service annually instead of monthly and save 10%

Want to get your brewery connected?

Do you already have a brewsense hub?(Required)